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Three Important Expat Policies Continued in 2021

January 10, 2022

Policy #1 - Expat Social Insurance Contributions For Employers in Shanghai

A key government Notice expired in August after 10 years, but no new announcements or statements were made by the Shanghai authorities - suggesting companies will not be required to make social insurance contributions for foreign employees like they are required to everywhere else in China.  

Communications with Shanghai authorities suggest there is no intention to change this practice at this time, and companies are cautiously advised that they can safely continue to not make those contributions if they have not been doing so in the past.  Noting, however, that many companies have started to do so voluntarily over the last 10 years.

Policy #2 - Preferential Tax Policy for Bonuses Continued

At the end of the year, the tax authorities announced that one (bonus) payment per year can be made to employees and the individual income tax calculated at a preferential lower rate compared to the normal IIT rate calculated on monthly salaries.  This is a continuation of existing policy for another 2 years, and applicable not just to expatriate employees.

Policy #3 - Tax Deductible Expenses on Housing and Education

At the very end of the year (Dec 31), the tax authorites announced a 2 year continuation of the favorable policy allowing expats to deduct from taxable income certain housing and school education expenses for their children.  This has been a key benefit many expats have come to rely on, especially given how expensive local international schools are.  The continuation of the policy is seen as a welcoming sign that China continues to encourage international talent and investment in China.


Expand into China without setting up a company, by employing or relocating key staff to take a first step in exploring the market. A professional employer organization (PEO) service can act as the official employer of record (EOR) for your staff in China while you expand your business. With the support of our trusted partner network, we can facilitate local hiring and employment without the time and cost of setting up a legal entity in country.

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